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来源:学大教育     时间:2015-06-04 12:58:00


工作量无限增大的今天,长时间伏案工作的白领时常会因为大脑超负荷运转而感到头脑昏沉、疲惫,这个时候就要学会给自己进行 brain detox(大脑排毒)。

Brain detox is the process of many office workers trying to relax and improve their brain function with scalp massage, deep breathing, and acupressure after too many long days.


Brain is the central organ of human body, vital of regulating and controlling all the mental and physically activities. Basically, the clock of human’s life exists in the brain. Thus, it is key for human to main their health delay senescence by keeping the health and energy of the brain.


When you feel muddled or exhausted at home or in the office, you could attempt to sit quietly, leading your air in the body from Baihui point on the top of the head to Liwang point in the brain. Once you clear away all the distractions, take a deep breath and imagine about the good stuff, you would have a fresh brain when you open your eyes.



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